- 1. Oscillatoria, blue green alga Lieder_2602c
- 2. Pleurococcus, green alga Lieder_2603c
- 3. Fucus, brown alga, female conceptacle with oogonia t.s. Lieder_2607d
- 4. Fucus, brown alga, male conceptacle with antheridia t.s. Lieder_2608d
- 5. Lobaria pulmonaria, foliose lichen, thallus with symbiotic algae t.s. Lieder_2616d
- 6. Nostoc, blue green alga with heterocysts Lieder_2703c
- 7. Ectocarpus, brown alga, plurilocular gametangia Lieder_2708d
- 8. Rhodomela, marine red alga, tetraspores Lieder_2709d
- 9. Chlamydomonas, biflagellate algae Lieder_2753c
- 10. Cladophora, green alga, branched filaments and multinucleate cells Lieder_2754c
- 11. Oedogonium, green alga, simple filaments Lieder_2755c
- 12. Polysiphonia, marine red alga, antheridia Lieder_2758d
- 13. Polysiphonia, marine red alga, cystocarps Lieder_2759d
- 14. Polysiphonia, marine red alga, tetraspores Lieder_2760d
- 15. Batrachospermum, fresh water red alga Lieder_2761d
- 16. Wasserbluthe (Microcystis), blue-green alga "blooming" in stagnant water Lieder_4546c
- 17. Anabaena, blue green algae, in eutrophic water Lieder_4547c
- 18. Spirogyra, filamentous green alga in nutrient-rich water Lieder_4548c
- 19. Spirulina, corkscrew-shaped algae occurring in bitter seas Lieder_4549d
- 20. Chlamydomonas, one-celled green alga in eutrophic water Lieder_4550c
- 21. Cladophora, green alga with branching filaments from moderately polluted water Lieder_4551c
- 22. Diatoms, mixed algae from scarcely polluted water Lieder_4552c
- 23. Oscillatoria, a filamentous blue green alga Lieder_7014c
- 24. Spirogyra, green alga with spiral chloroplasts Lieder_7017c
- 25. Cladophora, green alga, branched filaments Lieder_7019c
- 26. Ulothrix, filamentous green alga with girdle-shaped chloroplasts Lieder_7022c
- 27. Nostoc, blue green alga with heterocysts Lieder_7061c
- 28. Anabaena, filamentous blue green alga Lieder_7062c
- 29. Rivularia, blue green alga with basal heterocysts Lieder_7064c
- 30. Zygnema, filamentous alga with stellate chloroplasts Lieder_7066c
- 31. Chlamydomonas, biflagellate alga Lieder_7068c
- 32. Haematococcus, unicellular red algae Lieder_7069c
- 33. Chlorella, unicellular green alga Lieder_7071c
- 34. Dynobrion, a golden alga forming colonies Lieder_7072d
- 35. Pandorina morum, colonies of green algae, w.m. Lieder_75712d
- 36. Chlamydomonas, green algae, w.m. Lieder_75714c
- 37. Planktonic algae, Eudorina, Pediastrum, Microcystis Lieder_75718d
- 38. Batrachospermum, w.m. red alga Lieder_75722d
- 39. Xanthoria parietina, t.s. of thallus showing hyphae with symbiotic algae Lieder_79033d
- 40. Komplet - Algae, 30 mikro. preparatov Lieder_79100
- 41. Chroococcus, a single-cell alga, w.m. Lieder_79101c
- 42. Batrachospermum moniliforme, fresh-water alga, w.m. Lieder_79141d
- 43. MULTIMEDIA-PACKAGE. Algae, Basic Set of 6 slides and teaching material, Teacher Set Lieder_SMD-24
- 44. MULTIMEDIA-PACKAGE. Algae, Supplementary Set of 12 slides and teaching material, Teacher Set Lieder_SMD-25
- 45. Algae, Basic Set of 6 slides, Student Set Lieder_SSD-24
- 46. Algae, Supplementary Set of 12 slides, Student Set Lieder_SSD-25
- 47. Oscillatoria, a blue-green filamentous alga w.m. Lieder_Ag111c
- 48. Anabaena, thread shaped blue-green algae with heterocysts w.m. Lieder_Ag115c
- 49. Spirogyra, a common alga with spiral chloroplasts, w.m. of vegetative filaments, carefully Lieder_Ag151c
- 50. Mougeotia, a filamentous alga with flat chloroplasts w.m. Lieder_Ag1565c