- 1. Fern prothallium w.m. Lieder_2625d
- 2. Simple plant cells, epidermis of Allium cepa w.m. Lieder_2801c
- 3. Cell division (mitosis) all stages, in Allium root tips l.s. Lieder_2802d
- 4. Calcium oxalate crystals, in w.m. of Allium (onion) dry shell Lieder_2906b
- 5. Mitosis, l.s. from Allium root tips showing all stages of mitosis Lieder_4402d
- 6. Epidermis of Allium cepa (onion), w.m. showing simple plant cells with cell walls, nuclei and Lieder_5101c
- 7. Root tips of Allium cepa l.s. showing cell division (mitosis) in all stages, clearly stained Lieder_5102d
- 8. Mitosis, l.s. from Allium root tips showing all stages of plant mitosis carefully stained with Lieder_As114d
- 9. DNA and RNA, thin l.s. from Allium root tips, specially fixed and stained with methylgreen Lieder_As1169g
- 10. Mitosis, l.s. from Allium root tips showing all stages of plant mitosis carefully stained with Lieder_As114d  Â
- 11. Cell division in l.s. of Allium root tips, each slide showing all mitotic stages, carefully Lieder_8401d
- 12. Allium, root tips, l.s. showing all stages of mitosis Lieder_76001d
- 13. Epidermal cells of Allium cepa (onion), flat mount shows typical plant cells with nuclei, cytoplasm Lieder_77901c
- 14. Mitosis, l.s. from Allium root tips showing all stages of plant mitosis carefully stained with Lieder_77902d
- 15. Calcium oxalate crystals in w.m. of dry Allium scale Lieder_77912b
- 16. Allium cepa, onion, root tips, l.s. showing all stages of mitosis Lieder_78001d
- 17. Aspidium, w.m. of prothallium showing antheridia and archegonia Lieder_78830f
- 18. Equisetum, prothallium w.m. * Lieder_Pt127e
- 19. Fern prothallium, young filamentous stage w.m. Lieder_Pt151d
- 20. Fern prothallium, with antheridia w.m. Lieder_Pt152e
- 21. Fern prothallium, with archegonia w.m. Lieder_Pt153e
- 22. Fern prothallium, selected to show antheridia and archegonia w.m. * Lieder_Pt154f
- 23. Fern prothallium, section with antheridia Lieder_Pt155d
- 24. Fern prothallium, section with archegonia * Lieder_Pt156e
- 25. Fern prothallium, older stage with young sporophyte and root w.m. * Lieder_Pt157g
- 26. Epidermal cells of Allium cepa (onion), flat mount shows typical plant cells with nuclei, cytoplasm Lieder_As111c
- 27. Epidermal cells of Allium cepa, plasmolysis, w.m. turgid piece and plasmolized piece of onion Lieder_As1127s
- 28. Mitosis, l.s. from Allium root tips showing all stages of plant mitosis carefully stained with Lieder_As1141d
- 29. Mitosis, l.s. from Allium root tips showing all stages of plant mitosis stained by Feulgen stain * Lieder_As1157f
- 30. Epidermal cells of Allium cepa, specially fixed and stained to show the mitochondria * Lieder_As112g
- 31. Calcium oxalate crystals in w.m. of dry Allium scale Lieder_As137b
- 32. Allium cepa, median l.s. of root tip to show the meristematic tissue * Lieder_As1145e
- 33. Allium sativum, stem t.s. Lieder_As3172c
- 34. Allium schoenoprasium, chive, t.s. of an unifacial folding leaf Lieder_As429c