- 1. Spirochaeta duttoni (Borrelia recurrentis), in blood smear Lieder_3022g
- 2. Borrelia duttoni (Spirochaeta recurrentis), causes Central African relapsing fever, blood smear Lieder_3075g
- 3. Borrelia duttoni (Spirochaeta recurrentis), causes Central African relapsing fever, blood smear Lieder_3838g
- 4. Ixodes sp., tick, adult w.m. Carrier of relapsing fever and borreliosis Lieder_3937g
- 5. Ixodes sp., tick, adult w.m. Carrier of relapsing fever and borreliosis Lieder_74917g
- 6. Borrelia duttoni (Spirochaeta recurrentis), causes Central african relapsing fever, blood smear Lieder_Ba167g
- 7. Tracheids with bordered pits, wood of Pinus l.s. stained with thionine Lieder_As1547d
- 8. Helleborus niger, leaf epidermis w.m. with stomata Lieder_As4117d
- 9. SanolaborNG29121220Pošta25072013RKL 29121220SANOLNG
- 10. Bor, Pinus, list, c.s. 3037
- 11. Bor, enoletno steblo, c.s. 3038
- 12. Bor, desetletno steblo, c.s. 3039
- 13. Bor-moški kroglast plod, l.s. 3042
- 14. Bor-ženski kroglast plod, l.s. 3043
- 15. Bor, pelod, w.m. 3044
- 16. Dodatni pribor