- 1. Dionaea, Venus fly trap, leaf with digestive glands t.s. Lieder_2933c
- 2. Stomoxys calcitrans, stable fly, piercing sucking mouth parts w.m. Lieder_3941e
- 3. Musca domestica, housefly, leaking-sucking mouth parts w.m. Lieder_4301d
- 4. Pieris, butterfly, sucking mouth parts w.m. Lieder_4302e
- 5. Musca domestica, house fly, leg with pulvilli w.m. Lieder_4313b
- 6. Pieris, butterfly, portion of wings with scales w.m. Lieder_4315b
- 7. Drosophila, fruit fly, w.m. of adult Lieder_4322d
- 8. Pieris, butterfly, clubbed antenna w.m. Lieder_4360b
- 9. Pieris, butterfly, walking leg w.m. Lieder_4361b
- 10. Drosophila, fruit fly, sagittal l.s. for general insect anatomy Lieder_4369f
- 11. Cloeon or Baetis, May fly, head and eyes t.s. Lieder_4371f
- 12. Caenis, May fly, adult w.m. Lieder_4378e
- 13. Caenis, May fly, larva with tracheal gills w.m. Lieder_4379d
- 14. Nemura, stone fly, adult w.m. Lieder_4380d
- 15. Pieris, butterfly, sucking mouth parts w.m. Lieder_5578e
- 16. Stomoxys or Tabanus, stable fly, piercing sucking mouth parts w.m. Lieder_5585e
- 17. Musca domestica, house fly, leaking sucking mouth parts w.m. Lieder_5587d
- 18. House fly, Musca domestica, proboscis, lapping, w.m. Lieder_73801d
- 19. House fly, Musca domestica, leg with clinging pads, w.m. Lieder_73803b
- 20. House fly, w.m. of wing Lieder_73807b
- 21. House fly, aristate antenna, w.m. Lieder_73811b
- 22. Fly, compound eye, rad. sec. Lieder_73809e
- 23. Stomoxys calcitrans, stable fly, piercing sucking mouth parts w.m. Lieder_73802e
- 24. Cornea, isolated from eye of house fly, w.m. showing facets Lieder_73912c
- 25. Lepidoptera, wing showing scales of butterfly, w.m. Lieder_74011b
- 26. Lepidoptera, antennae of butterfly and of moth, w.m. Lieder_74009d
- 27. Caenis, May fly, adult w.m. Lieder_74114e
- 28. Mayfly, nymph, w.m. of trachea gill Lieder_74103d
- 29. Komplet - The House Fly (Musca domestica), 7 mikro. preparatov Lieder_75400
- 30. Dionaea, Venus flytrap, t.s. of leaf Lieder_78527c
- 31. CD118. Hormones, Hormone System and Control. Hormones are substances produced chiefly by the Lieder_CD118
- 32. Musca domestica, house fly, head and mouth parts with sucking tube, w.m. Lieder_In111d
- 33. Pieris sp., butterfly, head and mouth parts with proboscis w.m. Lieder_In112e
- 34. Stomoxys calcitrans, stable fly, piercing sucking mouth parts Lieder_In120e
- 35. Tabanus bovinus, gadfly, piercing sucking mouth parts w.m. * Lieder_In1201e
- 36. Odonata sp., dragonfly, mouth parts of larva w.m. * Lieder_In130f
- 37. Pieris, butterfly, clubbed antenna w.m. Lieder_In213b
- 38. Brachycera sp., fly, antenna as speed indicator w.m. * Lieder_In209c
- 39. Musca domestica, house fly, antenna w.m. Lieder_In2125b
- 40. Musca domestica, house fly, leg with pulvilli w.m. Lieder_In217b
- 41. Musca domestica, house fly, wing w.m. Lieder_In235b
- 42. Musca domestica, house fly, wing and haltere w.m. Lieder_In2351d
- 43. Zygoptera sp., damselfly, wings w.m. Lieder_In227c
- 44. Pieris brassicae, butterfly, portion of wing showing arrangement of scales w.m. Lieder_In232b
- 45. Tracheal gills, w.m. of Cloeon sp., May fly nymph Lieder_In248d
- 46. Cornea, isolated from eye of house fly, w.m. showing facets Lieder_In243c
- 47. Head and eyes, t.s. of Cloeon or Baetis, May fly Lieder_In276f
- 48. Entire insect, sagittal l.s. of Drosophila, fruit fly, showing all structures for general study Lieder_In267f
- 49. Caenis, May fly, adult w.m. Lieder_In353e
- 50. Musca domestica, house fly, larva w.m. Lieder_In397e