- 1. Nymphaea, water lily, floating leaf of an aquatic plant t.s. Lieder_2932c
- 2. Caenis, May fly, larva with tracheal gills w.m. Lieder_4379d
- 3. Mayfly, nymph, w.m. of trachea gill Lieder_74103d
- 4. Nymphaea, water lily, t.s. of aquatic stem showing reduced vascular tissue and spicular cells Lieder_78114c
- 5. Nymphaea, t.s. of aquatic stem showing air vascular system Lieder_78530c
- 6. Nymphaea, t.s. of leaf showing air chambers, a typical floating leaf Lieder_78532c
- 7. Tracheal gills, w.m. of Cloeon sp., May fly nymph Lieder_In248d
- 8. Pediculus humanus capitis, nymph w.m. Lieder_In3254f
- 9. Nymphaea, water lily, stem with idioblasts t.s. Lieder_As353c
- 10. Nymphaea, petiole t.s. Lieder_As4671c
- 11. Nymphaea, water lily, floating leaf of an aquatic plant with air chambers t.s. Lieder_As467c