- 1. Schistosoma mansoni, bilharziosis, adult male or female w.m. Lieder_3918h
- 2. Schistosoma mansoni, section of infected snail liver showing redia and cercaria * Lieder_3919g
- 3. Schistosoma mansoni, ova in faeces Lieder_3920e
- 4. Schistosoma mansoni, adult male and female in copula, w.m. and carefully stained for general study Lieder_Py223i
- 5. Schistosoma mansoni, t.s. of adult male and female Lieder_Py224e
- 6. Schistosoma mansoni, cercaria with bifurcate tail w.m. * Lieder_Py226h
- 7. Schistosoma mansoni, section through infected snail liver showing cercaria Lieder_Py227g
- 8. Schistosoma mansoni, section through snail liver not infected, for comparison Lieder_Py228f
- 9. Schistosoma mansoni, ova in section of liver or intestine * Lieder_Py229g
- 10. Schistosoma mansoni, ova in faeces w.m. Lieder_Py230e