- 1. Fat in sec. through endosperm of Corylus (hazel), stained for fat Lieder_2903d
- 2. Planaria, sec. through ocelli Lieder_4454e
- 3. Meiotic (maturation) stages in sec. through testis of salamander, selected material showing Lieder_Ma1033f
- 4. Mitotic stages in sec. through red bone marrow of mammal Lieder_Ma102f  Â
- 5. Kidney of rabbit, sec. through cortex and medulla Lieder_5968c
- 6. Chicken, feather development, sec. through wings in different stages of the development Lieder_8210f
- 7. Nostoc sp., sec. through colony with hormogonia Lieder_79106d
- 8. Sycon, near med. long. sec. through body and osculum Lieder_Po112f
- 9. Enterobius vermicularis, sec. through human appendix with parasites in situ Lieder_Ne1362g
- 10. Onchocerca volvulus, sec. through host tissue with tumor containing larvae (filaria) Lieder_Ne159f
- 11. Simple squamous epithelium, in sec. through the cornea from the eye Lieder_Ma1113d
- 12. Pseudostratified columnar epithelium, in sec. through epididymis Lieder_Ma1145d
- 13. Vesicular tissue, cellular connective tissue with no intercellular substance, sec. through Lieder_Ma1278d
- 14. Stomach, sec. through gastric glands specially stained for different cell types Lieder_Ma3361f
- 15. Crista ampullaris, sec. through ear of guinea pig * Lieder_Ma6105t
- 16. Empusa muscae, parasite of insects, sec. through insect showing mycelium and conidia Lieder_Fu138e
- 17. Sclerotinia fructigena (Monilia albicans), plum rot, sec. through yeast-like conidia on surface Lieder_Fu155c
- 18. Wood rot fungus, sec. through rotted wood showing detail of hyphae and mycelium specially stained Lieder_Fu243f
- 19. Physcia, sec. through thallus of a typical lichen showing the fungus and the embedded algae, Lieder_Li103d