- 1. Kidney t.s., vital stained with trypane blue showing storage Lieder_2525f
- 2. Coprinus, mushroom, t.s. showing typical basidia and spores Lieder_2615c
- 3. Lilium, lily, ovary t.s. showing embryosac Lieder_2821d
- 4. Pinus, pine, pollen grains with wings w.m. Lieder_2944b
- 5. Lilium, lily, young anthers showing meiosis of pollen mother cells Lieder_2945f
- 6. Tulipa, tulip, ovary t.s. showing arrangement of ovules Lieder_2946d
- 7. Phaseolus, bean, pod showing pericarp and seed t.s. Lieder_2949d
- 8. Streptococcus pyogenes, smear from culture showing short chains Lieder_3055d
- 9. Streptococcus pyogenes, smear from culture showing short chains Lieder_3807d
- 10. Streptococcus lactis, milk souring organism, smear from culture showing short chains Lieder_3808d
- 11. Rhizobium radicicola, nitrogen fixing organisms, section through root nodule of lupin showing Lieder_3825d
- 12. Bacillus mycoides, large soil organisms growing in chains Lieder_3830d
- 13. Bacillus subtilis, hay bacillus, smear showing bacilli and spores doubly stained Lieder_3831d
- 14. Plasmodium sp., malaria melanemia in human spleen, sec. showing pigment granules in endothelium Lieder_3907g
- 15. Sarcocystis sp., section of muscle showing the parasites in Miescher's tubes Lieder_3910f
- 16. Schistosoma mansoni, section of infected snail liver showing redia and cercaria * Lieder_3919g
- 17. Echinococcus granulosus, dog tapeworm, scolices from cyst w.m. showing hooklets Lieder_3926f
- 18. Melolontha, cockchafer, chewing mouth parts (herbivore) w.m. Lieder_4304f
- 19. Bombyx mori. silkworm moth, chewing mouth parts Lieder_4306d
- 20. Apis mellifica, anterior and posterior wings w.m. Lieder_4314c
- 21. Pieris, butterfly, portion of wings with scales w.m. Lieder_4315b
- 22. Bombyx mori, silkworm, t.s. showing silk spinning glands Lieder_4321d
- 23. Periplaneta, cockroach, chewing biting mouth parts w.m. Lieder_4353f
- 24. Chrysopa, wing of neuroptera w.m. Lieder_4366c
- 25. Cantharis, beetle, chitinous and membranous wings w.m. Lieder_4368d
- 26. Lasius, ant, winged adult w.m. Lieder_4386d
- 27. Mitosis, l.s. from Allium root tips showing all stages of mitosis Lieder_4402d
- 28. Peripheral nerve fibres of osmic acid fixed material showing Ranvier's nodes and medullary sheaths Lieder_4463e
- 29. Spinal cord of cat t.s. showing large motor nerve cells Lieder_4464c
- 30. Testis of mouse, t.s. showing Leydig's cells Lieder_4472d
- 31. Pancreas of cat, t.s. showing islets of Langerhans Lieder_4474d
- 32. Thyroid gland showing normal function t.s. Lieder_4475f
- 33. Thyroid gland showing over-activity of the gland t.s. Lieder_4476f
- 34. Ascaris embryology, sec. of uteri showing maturation of ova Lieder_4491f
- 35. Frog (Rana), testis t.s. showing spermatogenesis Lieder_4493d
- 36. Early leaf fall, caused by thawing salt Lieder_4518d
- 37. Striated muscle l.s. showing nuclei, striations, myofibrils Lieder_5002d
- 38. Liver of Salamandra t.s., showing simple animal cells with cellular membranes, nuclei, and cytoplasm Lieder_5005d
- 39. Ovary of cat, t.s. showing primary, secondary, and Graafian follicles Lieder_5007d
- 40. Testis of frog, t.s. showing spermatogenesis. Spermatogonia, spermatocytes, spermatids, and Lieder_5008d
- 41. Salivary gland of Chironomus larva. Giant chromosomes showing large chromomeres. Stained for Lieder_5011f
- 42. Epidermis of Allium cepa (onion), w.m. showing simple plant cells with cell walls, nuclei and Lieder_5101c
- 43. Root tips of Allium cepa l.s. showing cell division (mitosis) in all stages, clearly stained Lieder_5102d
- 44. Pollen mother cells of Lilium. Prophase of first maturation division (meiosis) showing chromosomes Lieder_5103e
- 45. Wood of Tilia macerated and w.m. showing wood cells, vessels and fibres Lieder_5105c
- 46. Fruit of Pyrus (pear) t.s. showing stone cells (scelerenchyma cells) Lieder_5106d
- 47. Cucurbita pepo (pumpkin) l.s. of stem showing vascular bundles with sieve tubes, spiral and Lieder_5108d
- 48. Ricinus endosperm t.s. showing aleurone grains Lieder_5109c
- 49. Anthers of Lilium (lily), t.s. showing pollen sacs and pollen grains Lieder_5110d
- 50. Ovary of Lilium (lily), t.s. showing arrangement of ovules and embryosac Lieder_5111d