- 1. Pinus, pine, pollen grains with wings w.m. Lieder_2944b
- 2. Apis mellifica, anterior and posterior wings w.m. Lieder_4314c
- 3. Pieris, butterfly, portion of wings with scales w.m. Lieder_4315b
- 4. Cantharis, beetle, chitinous and membranous wings w.m. Lieder_4368d
- 5. Pinus, mature pollen grains, w.m. showing wings Lieder_6078b
- 6. Chicken, feather development, sec. through wings in different stages of the development Lieder_8210f
- 7. Honeybee, wings with hooks and ridge for locking the wings, w.m. Lieder_73902c
- 8. Squash bug, wings, w.m. Lieder_74109d
- 9. Apis mellifica, honey bee, anterior and posterior wings w.m. Lieder_In231c
- 10. Zygoptera sp., damselfly, wings w.m. Lieder_In227c
- 11. Periplaneta, cockroach, upper chitinous and lower membranous wings w.m. Lieder_In229e
- 12. Insecta, antennae, legs, wings, internal organs, 41 projection slides Lieder_3215
- 13. Human Histology, 50 drawings and 50 texts in clear-view envelopes Lieder_COM-S1
- 14. Zoology, 40 drawings and 40 texts in clear-view envelopes Lieder_COM-S2
- 15. Botany, 40 drawings and 40 texts in clear-view envelopes Lieder_COM-S3
- 16. Cytology and Genetics, 20 drawings & 20 texts in clear-view envelopes Lieder_COM-S4
- 17. Media Package for Histology and Human Science, comprising 115 drawings and texts Lieder_GR-SA
- 18. Media Package for Zoology, comprising 102 drawings and texts Lieder_GR-SB
- 19. Media Package for Botany, Kryptogames, comprising 69 drawings and texts Lieder_GR-SC
- 20. Media Package for Botany, Phanerogames, comprising 80 drawings and texts Lieder_GR-SD
- 21. Media Package for Cytology and Genetics, comprising 40 drawings and texts Lieder_GR-SE
- 22. Media Package for Embryology, comprising 32 drawings and texts Lieder_GR-SF
- 23. Media Package for Bacteria, Parasites and Pathology, comprising 125 drawings and texts Lieder_GR-SG
- 24. Media Package for Environmental Science, comprising 72 drawings and texts Lieder_GR-SH
- 25. Manual to the Media System Microscopic Biology, 182 pages with 175 drawings and texts, (Available Lieder_T8500