Komplet - Agriculture, Large Set of 66 mikro. preparatov

Komplet - Agriculture, Large Set of 66 mikro. preparatov


7 - 14 dni
V košarico

Komplet -  Agriculture, Supplmentary Set of 66 mikro. preparatov


7501c Plasmodiophora brassicae, clubroot, host cells with spores
7502d Synchytrium endobioticum, potato black scab, infected tissue
7503d Plasmopara viticola, downy mildew of grapes, infected leaf
7504d Peronospora parasitica, downy mildew of crucifers, conidia
7505d Albugo candida (Cystopus), white rust of crucifers, conidia and sexual stages on Capsella t.s.
7506c Rhizopus or Mucor, mold, mycelium and sporangia w.m.
7507d Exoascus pruni (Taphrina), plum pockets, sec. with asci
7508d Erysiphe pannosa, rose mildew, infected leaf with conidia t.s.
7509d Uncinula necator (Oidium Tuckeri), grape mildew, t.s.
7510d Sphaerotheca mors uvae, gooseberry mildew, perithecia t.s.
7511c Claviceps purpurea, ergot, sclerotium t.s.
7512c Sclerotinia fructigena (Monilia), diseased fruit with conidia t.s.
7513c Rhytisma acerinum, black spot of maple, t.s. with sclerotia
7514c Venturia pirinum (Fusicladium), pear scab, t.s. with conidia
7515d Ustilago zeae, corn smut, t.s. of pustule on host tissue
7516c Botrytis allii, grey mold of onions. t.s.
7517d Puccinia graminis, uredinia on wheat leaf cause red rust t.s.
7518d Puccinia graminis, telia on wheat causing black rust t.s.
7519d Puccinia graminis, aecia or pycnidia on barberry leaf t.s.
7520d Gymnosporangium sabinae, pear rust, pycnidia on leaf t.s.
7712e Tuberculous lung of cow t.s.
7713e Bacillus anthracis, wool sorters disease, smear stained for bacteria
7714e Bacterium erysipelatos, causing red murrain, smear stained for bacteria
7715f Trypanosoma equiperdum, causing dourine in horses, blood smear showing parasites
7716d Eimeria stiedae, coccidiosis, sec. of infected rabbit liver
7718c Fasciola hepatica, beef liver fluke, ova w.m.
7719d Taenia, tapeworm, proglottids t.s.
7721d Ascaris megalocephala, roundworm of horses, adult female t.s. through midbody
7722d Trichinella spiralis, encysted larvae in muscle l.s.
4511c Pine (Pinus), healthy leaves, t.s.
4512c Pine (Pinus) leaves damaged by acid rain, t.s.
4513c Fir (Abies), healthy leaves, t.s.
4514c Fir (Abies), stem tip damaged t.s.
4515c Beech (Fagus), healthy leaves t.s.
4516c Beech (Fagus), t.s. of leaves with destroyed epidermis and chloroplasts
4517d Rhytisma acerinum, tar spot of maples, consequence of single-crop farming
4518d Early leaf fall, caused by thawing salt
4519d Healthy lichen, indicator of clean air
4520d Damaged lichen, caused by air pollution
4521c Healthy wood of beech, t.s.
4522d Wood destroyed by fungus
4523d Polyporus, wood rot fungus, fruiting body t.s.
4524d Root nodules of Alnus, with symbiotic bacteria
4525d Spruce beetle (Cryphalus picea), larva t.s.
4526c Wood with normal annual rings, t.s.
4527c Wood with anomalous narrow annual rings caused by drought, t.s.
4528d Bark with larval galleries of spruce beetle, t.s.
4529d Pineapple-like gall on spruce caused by lice, t.s.
4530d Gall nut on oak caused insects, t.s.
4571d Acidophile soil bacteria, solution of heavy metals
4572d Nitrite bacteria, formatting harmful nitrogenous substances
4573d Root of beech with ectotrophic mycorrhiza, t.s.
4574d Root of birch with partly endotrophic mycorrhiza, t.s.
4575d Root of lupin with symbiotic nitrogen fixing bacteria
4576d Netted venation, portion of rotted deciduous leaf
4577c Charlock (Sinapis), t.s. of stem. Green manure plant
4578d Soil bacteria (Bacillus megatherium), smear
4579d Hyphae of root fungi, t.s.
4591c Pollen grains of different kinds of grass
4581c Mushroom (Xerocomus), mycelium
4582c Root of willow (Salix), planting protecting against erosion
4583c Earthworm (Lumbricus) t.s., causing soil improvement
4584d Springtails (Collembola), w.m.
4585d Mite from forest soil, w.m.
4586c Constituents of humus soil
4587c Constituents of peaty soil



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