Komplet - Arrangement and Types of Vascular Bundles (steles), 13 mikro. preparatov

Komplet - Arrangement and Types of Vascular Bundles (steles), 13 mikro. preparatov


7 - 14 dni
V košarico

Komplet - Arrangement and Types of Vascular Bundles - 13 mikro. preparatov


6251d Protostele. Psilotum stem t.s.
6252d Actinostele. Lycopodium stem t.s.
6253d Polystele. Pteridium rhizome t.s. showing concentric vascular bundles with inner xylem
6254d Ectophloic siphonostele. Osmunda rhizome t.s.
6255d Amphiphloic siphonostele. Adiantum rhizome t.s.
6256d Dictyostele. Polypodium rhizome t.s.
6257d Eustele. Ranunculus stem t.s., open collateral bundles
6258d Eustele. Lamium stem t.s.
6259d Eustele. Cucurbita pepo stem t.s., bicollateral bundles
6260d Atactostele. Zea mays stem t.s., closed collateral bundles
6261d Arrangement of bundles similar to atactostele in a dicot plant. Podophyllum stem t.s.
6262d Concentric vascular bundles with outer xylem. Convallaria rhizome t.s.
6263d Radial concentric vascular bundle. Ranunculus root t.s.


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