Komplet - Algae - 30 mikro. preparatov - Cyanophyceae
79101c Chroococcus, a single-cell alga, w.m.
79103c Anabaena sp., w.m. of filaments with heterocysts
79106d Nostoc sp., sec. through colony with hormogonia
79108d Aphanizomenon sp., w.m. showing heterocysts
79112c Scytonema, unbranched filaments with false branching, w.m.
79113d Stigonema, branching filaments, w.m.
79116c Diatoms, fresh water, recent, mixed species
79120d Diatoms, showing protoplasmic structure, mixed
79166c Spirogyra sp., vegetative filaments w.m.
79167e Spirogyra sp., scalariform conjugation and zygotes following conjugation, w.m.
79169c Zygnema sp., w.m. of vegetative filaments
79174e Desmids, strewn slide showing several selected forms
79145c Chlamydomonas, biflagellate cells, w.m.
79147d Pandorina morum, biflagellate cells in a spherical colony, w.m.
79149e Volvox, spherical colonies with daughter cells, w.m.
79151d Pediastrum sp., stellate colonies, w.m.
79156d Oedogonium sp., w.m. of filaments with sex organs, macrandrous
79158c Cladophora sp., branching filaments with multinucleate cells
79159c Draparnaldia glomerata, w.m. of filaments with clusters of branches
79162d Ulva lactuca, green alga showing thallus of one cell layer
79115d Vaucheria sp., w.m. of oogonia and antheridia
79164d Chara vulgaris, w.m. of thallus with sex organs
79126e Fucus serratus, antheridia and oogonia t.s. on one slide
79127d Fucus spiralis, monecious, t.s. of conceptacle with oogonia and antheridia
79129d Ectocarpus, plurilocular, w.m.
79123c Laminaria saccharina, thallus with sporangia t.s.
79137d Polysiphonia, w.m. of thallus with antheridia
79138d Polysiphonia, w.m. of thallus with cystocarps
79139d Polysiphonia, w.m. of thallus with tetraspores
79141d Batrachospermum moniliforme, fresh-water alga, w.m.