Komplet - Fungi and Lichenes, 20 mikro. preparatov

Komplet - Fungi and Lichenes, 20 mikro. preparatov


7 - 14 dni
V košarico

Komplet -  Fungi and Lichenes. - 20 mikro. preparatov - Phycomycetes


79025c Mucor mucedo, w.m. of hyphae showing sporangia
79028d Rhizopus nigricans, w.m. of hyphae with developing zygotes
79029d Synchytrium endobioticum, potato black wart, sec. of infected tissue
79030c Plasmodiophora, sec. of cabbage rot
79015c Claviceps purpurea, t.s. of sclerotium
79016c Tuber rufum, truffle, sec. fruiting body showing asci
79018c Peziza sp., cup-fungus, t.s. of fruiting body with asci
79019d Erysiphe sp., mildew, t.s. of leaf with perithecia
79021d Penicillium sp., blue mold on orange-rind, sec. of hyphae with conidiophores
79022c Aspergillus glaucum, brown-mold, w.m. of hyphae with sporangia
79023b Saccharomyces sp., yeast, budding, w.m.
79013d Taphrina pruni (Exoascus pruni), plum pockets, t.s. of host tissue with haustoria and asci
79002d Puccinia graminis, t.s. of uredinia on wheat
79001d Puccinia graminis, wheat rust, t.s. of aecidia on infected barberry leaf
79007d Ustilago zeae, corn smut, infected tissue with spores, sec.
79008c Psalliota sp., mushroom, l.s. through pileus and lamellae showing basidia and spores
79010c Boletus edulis, pore fungus, l.s. through pores
79012c Lycoperdon gemmatum, puff-ball, sec. of fruiting body
79033d Xanthoria parietina, t.s. of thallus showing hyphae with symbiotic algae
79034d Xanthoria parietina, t.s. of apothecium showing asci and spores



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