Komplet - Pteridophytes (Ferns and Fern Allies). - 15 mikro. preparatov - Primitive ferns (Psilophytatae)
78801d Psilotum, t.s. of rhizome showing protostele
78802d Psilotum, t.s. of stem showing squamous leaves, aktinostele
78805c Lycopodium, t.s. of stem showing plectostele
78807e Lycopodium, t.s. of strobilus showing isospores
78811c Selaginella, t.s. of stem showing siphonostele
78816c Equisetum, t.s. of stem
78818d Equisetum, t.s. of strobilus showing spores
78820b Equisetum, w.m. of spores with elaters
78825c Aspidium, t.s. of root
78826c Aspidium, t.s. of stem
78827d Aspidium, t.s. of leaf showing sori
78830f Aspidium, w.m. of prothallium showing antheridia and archegonia
78834d Pteridium, t.s. of rhizome with polystele
78839d Osmunda, t.s. of rhizome
78847d Phyllitis scolopendrium, hart’s tongue fern, leaf with sori and sporangia t.s.