Komplet Histology of Vertebrata excluding Mammalia. Fishes, Amphibians, Reptiles, Birds. - 25 mikro. preparatov
2301c Cyprinus, carp, liver t.s.
2302c Cyprinus, carp, testis t.s. showing spermatozoa
2303c Cyprinus, carp, small intestine t.s.
2304c Cyprinus, carp, kidney t.s.
2305c Cyprinus, carp, gills t.s.
2306c Cyprinus, carp, skin t.s.
2307f Fish scales, cycloid, ctenoid, and placoid scales w.m.
2308c Salamandra, skin with poison glands t.s.
2309d Salamandra, t.s. through thorax and forelegs of larva
2310c Rana, frog, lung t.s., a simple bag-like lung
2311c Rana, frog, blood smear, with nucleated corpuscles
2312c Rana, frog, stomach t.s.
2313c Rana, frog, large intestine t.s., with goblet cells
2314c Rana, frog, liver t.s. showing bile ducts
2315c Rana, frog, kidney t.s.
2316c Rana, frog, testis t.s. to show spermatogenesis
2317c Rana, frog, skin t.s. showing glands
2318d Lacerta, lizard, skin with scales, sagittal l.s.
2319c Gallus, chicken, blood smear, with nucleate red corpuscles
2320c Gallus, chicken, lung t.s.
2321c Gallus, chicken, glandular stomach t.s.
2322d Gallus, chicken, ovary with developing eggs t.s.
2323d Gallus, chicken, skin with developing feathers t.s. or l.s.
2324c Gallus, chicken, unfeathered skin of foot t.s.
2325c Gallus, chicken, wing and down feathers w.m.