Komplet - Human Pathology, short set, 50 mikro. preparatov

Komplet - Human Pathology, short set, 50 mikro. preparatov


7 - 14 dni
V košarico

Komplet -  Human Pathology Basic Set. - 50 mikro. preparatov


9201e Parenchymatous and fatty degeneration of liver
9202e Hemosiderosis of liver
9203e Glycogenosis of liver
9204e Pigmentary cirrhosis of liver
9205e Necrotic esophagitis
9206e Foreign body granulome with hemosiderin and giant cells
9207e Tonsillitis
9208e Liver cirrhosis
9209e Adiposis of heart
9210e Cardiac callosity
9211e Myocarditis chronica acute recidivans
9212e Organized venous thrombosis of muscle
9213e Infarct of spleen
9214e Chronic myeloid leukemia of spleen
9215g Malarial melanemia of spleen
9216e Anthracosis of lung
9217e Cardiac callosity
9218e Influenzal pneumonia
9219e Croupous pneumonia
9220e Chronic pneumonia
9221e Necrotic (cheesy) pneumonia
9222e Miliary tuberculosis of lung
9223e Chronic tuberculous pulmonary cavity with bacteria
9224e Icterus hepatis
9225e Glomerularathrophy of kidney
9226e Amyloid degeneration of kidney
9227e Acute hemorrhagic nephritis
9228e Chronic glomerulonephritis
9229e Septic embolic nephritis
9230e Colitis dysenterica Shiga-Kruse
9231g Congenital syphilis of liver, spirochaetes silvered after Levaditi
9232f Congenital syphilis of liver (feuerstein liver), routine stained
9233f Gumma of testicle
9234e Atheroma of head
9235e Struma colloides
9236f Undescended testicle showing hyperplasia of Leydig's cells
9237e Hypertrophy of prostate
9238f Giant cell sarcoma of maxilla
9239e Chondroma of pubic bone
9240e Myoma of uterus
9241e Fibroadenoma of breast
9242e Fibroepithelial mixed tumor of parotid gland
9243e Melanosarcoma of skin
9244e Spindle cell sarcoma
9245e Carcinoma cervicis uteri
9246e Sarcoma of testicle
9247e Cystadenoma papilliferum of ovary
9248e Gelatinous carcinoma of rectum
9249e Lymphosarcoma mediastini
9250e Metastatic carcinoma of liver


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