Komplet - Insecta, elementary set, 25 mikro. preparatov

Komplet - Insecta, elementary set, 25 mikro. preparatov


7 - 14 dni
V košarico

Komplet - Insecta, Elementary Set – 25 mikro. preparatov


4301d Musca domestica, housefly, leaking-sucking mouth parts w.m.
4302e Pieris, butterfly, sucking mouth parts w.m.
4303f Carabus, ground beetle, biting mouth parts (carnivore) w.m.
4304f Melolontha, cockchafer, chewing mouth parts (herbivore) w.m.
4305e Pyrrhocoris, bug, piercing sucking mouth parts w.m.
4306d Bombyx mori. silkworm moth, chewing mouth parts
4307e Apis mellifica, honey bee, leaking sucking mouth parts of worker w.m.
4308e Culex pipiens, mosquito, piercing sucking mouth parts w.m.
4309b Melolontha, cockchafer, antenna with sense organs w.m.
4310b Bombyx mori, silkworm moth, feathered antenna w.m.
4311b Apis mellifica, anterior leg with eye brush w.m.
4312b Apis mellifica, posterior leg with pollen basket w.m.
4313b Musca domestica, house fly, leg with pulvilli w.m.
4314c Apis mellifica, anterior and posterior wings w.m.
4315b Pieris, butterfly, portion of wings with scales w.m.
4316b Trachea from insect w.m.
4317b Spiracle from insect w.m.
4318b Cornea isolated from insect eye w.m.
4319d Apis mellifica, honey bee, sting and poison sac w.m.
4320e Apis mellifica, head with compound eyes and brain t.s.
4321d Bombyx mori, silkworm, t.s. showing silk spinning glands
4322d Drosophila, fruit fly, w.m. of adult
4323e Ctenocephalus canis, dog flea, w.m. of adult
4324d Culex pipiens, mosquito, w.m. of larva
4325d Chironomus, gnat, w.m. of larva


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+386 (0)1 723 01 80
+386 (4)1 646 693
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+386 (0)1 723 84 00

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