Komplet - Invertebrata, supplementary set, 50 mikro. preparati

Komplet - Invertebrata, supplementary set, 50 mikro. preparati


7 - 14 dni
V košarico

Komplet -  Invertebrata, Supplementary Set. - 50 mikro. preparatov


2201d Radiolaria, strewn slide of mixed species
2202d Foraminifera, strewn slide of mixed species
2203c Ceratium, dinoflagellates from plankton
2204f Trypanosoma, causing sleeping disease, blood smear
2205f Plasmodium, malaria parasite, blood smear
2206d Eimeria stiedae, in t.s. of rabbit liver with parasites in situ
2207b Spongilla, fresh water sponge, gemmulae (winter bodies)
2208c Hydra, t.s. of body showing ectoderm and entoderm
2209d Obelia hydroid, w.m. of colony, hydranths and gonothecae
2210e Obelia medusa, jellyfish. w.m. for general study
2211d Actinia, sea anemone, t.s. young specimen
2212c Fasciola hepatica, beef liver fluke, t.s. of body
2213c Fasciola hepatica, ova w.m.
2214d Ascaris, roundworm, t.s. of female in region of gonads
2215d Ascaris, t.s. of male in region of gonads
2216e Lumbricus, earthworm, l.s. of anterior region with gonads
2217c Lumbricus, sperm smear with developing spermatozoa
2218d Hirudo medicinalis, leech, t.s. of body
2219d Sagitta, arrow worm, entire specimen w.m.
2220c Astacus, crayfish, gills t.s.
2221c Astacus, crayfish. liver t.s.
2222e Astacus, crayfish, testis t.s. showing spermatogenesis
2223d Astacus, crayfish, ovary t.s. showing developing ova
2224c Astacus, crayfish, intestine t.s.
2225d Spider, abdomen with internal organs l.s.
2226d Dermanyssus gallinae, chicken mite w.m.
2227e Pieris, butterfly, head and mouth parts (sucking tube) w.m.
2228e Vespa, wasp, biting mouth parts w.m.
2229f Carabus, ground beetle, biting mouth parts w.m.
2230d Culex pipiens, mosquito, piercing-sucking mouth parts
2231b Melolontha, cockchafer, antenna w.m.
2232b Apis mellifica, honey bee, anterior leg with eye brush w.m.
2233b Apis mellifica, posterior leg with pollen basket w.m.
2234b Pieris, butterfly, portion of wing with scales w.m.
2235b Apis mellifica, honey bee, cornea from eye w.m.
2236d Apis mellifica, honey bee, sting with poison sac w.m.
2237d Culex pipiens, common mosquito, t.s. of abdomen
2238e Apis mellifica, honey bee, head with compound eyes and brain t.s.
2239d Apis mellifica, honey bee, abdomen of worker t.s.
2240e Ctenocephalus, dog flea, w.m. of adult
2241c Chironomus, gnat, larva w.m.
2242d Bombyx mori, silkworm, t.s. of caterpillar, spinning glands
2243d Helix, snail, hermaphrodite gland (ovotestis) t.s.
2244c Helix, snail, liver t.s.
2245e Helix, snail, eye l.s.
2246d Mya arenaria, clam, gills t.s. and l.s.
2247e Asterias, starfish, horizontal section of young specimen
2248d Psammechinus, sea urchin, pluteus larva w.m.
2249d Branchiostoma lanceolatum, t.s. of body with testis
2250d Branchiostoma lanceolatum, t.s. of body with ovaries


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