Komplet - Micro Organisms of Sea Water - 15 mikro. preparatov
75801d Silicoflagellatae
75802d Radiolaria, strewn slide of cleaned shells
75803d Foraminifera, strewn slide of cleaned shells
75804d Peridinium, marine dinoflagellates
75805e Vorticella, marine ciliates
75806d Noctiluca, a luminescent flagellate
75807d Marine plankton, mixed species
75808d Pluteus larvae of sea urchin
75809e Eggs of sea urchin, different phases of development
75810d Sagitta, transparent marine worm, w.m.
75811d Caprella, a marine amphipode, w.m.
75812e Zoea, development stage of a marine decapode crab, w.m.
75813e Obelia, w.m. of medusa
75814d Campanularia, w.m. of colony
75815d Hydractinia, w.m.