Komplet - Normal Human Histology, Special Complete Set of 100 mikro. preparatov

Komplet - Normal Human Histology,  Special Complete Set  of 100 mikro. preparatov


7 - 14 dni
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Komplet - Normal Human Histology, Special Complete Set of 100 mikro. preparatov.


Ho111c Squamous epithelium, isolated cells from human mouth, smear
Ho1224e Stratified, non-cornified squamous epithelium, section of oesophagus
Ho114e Simple columnar epithelium, in sec. of secreting tubules of human kidney
Ho116e Simple ciliated columnar epithelium, in t.s. of oviduct
Ho118e Simple cuboidal epithelium, in sec. of human thyroid gland
Ho120e Transitional epithelium, in sec. of human bladder
Ho1202e Glandular epithelium, in sec. of human colon with unicellular mucous glands
Ho121e Areolar connective tissue, human w.m.
Ho126d Embryonic connective tissue from human foetus, sec.
Ho128e Adipose tissue, human, sec. fat removed to show the cells
Ho130e Hyaline cartilage, human t.s.
Ho131e Yellow elastic cartilage, human, sec. stained for elastic fibres
Ho132f White fibrous cartilage, human sec.
Ho135e Compact bone, human t.s.
Ho136e Compact bone, human l.s.
Ho138e Bone development (intracartilaginous), l.s. of foetal finger
Ho139e Bone development (intermembranous), vertical l.s. of foetal skull-cap (cranial bone)
Ho151e Striated (skeletal) muscle, human l.s.
Ho152e Striated (skeletal) muscle, human t.s.
Ho154e Smooth (involuntary) muscle, human l.s. and t.s.
Ho156e Heart (cardiac) muscle, human l.s. and t.s.
Respiratory and circulatory systems
Ho172e Artery, human, t.s. stained for elastic fibres
Ho174e Vein, human, t.s. stained for elastic fibres
Ho176e Aorta, human, t.s. routine stained
Ho1802c Blood smear, human, Wright's stain
Ho214f Trachea, human t.s.
Ho215f Trachea, human l.s.
Ho2152e Trachea from human fetus t.s.
Ho216e Lung, human, sec. routine stained
Ho219e Lung from human foetus, sec.
Lymphatic system
Ho231e Lymphnode, human t.s.
Ho233e Tonsil (Tonsilla palatina), human t.s.
Ho234e Spleen, human t.s.
Ho236e Bone marrow, human t.s.
Ho238f Thymus from human child, t.s.
Endocrine glands
Ho252e Thyroid gland (Gl. thyreoidea), human t.s.
Ho253f Adrenal gland (Gl. suprarenalis), human t.s.
Ho255f Pituitary gland (Hypophysis), human t.s.
Ho257f Pineal body (Epiphysis), human t.s.
Digestive system
Ho310f Lip, human vertical l.s.
Ho311e Tooth, human, t.s. of crown
Ho313f Tooth, human, l.s. of entire specimen
Ho316f Tooth development from human foetus, medium stage l.s.
Ho3234f Tongue, human, sec. with filiform papillae
Ho3235f Tongue, human, sec. with fungiform papillae
Ho326e Soft palate, human t.s.
Ho331e Oesophagus, human t.s.
Ho334e Stomach, fundic region, human t.s.
Ho337f Duodenum, human t.s.
Ho338e Jejunum, human t.s.
Ho339e Ileum, human t.s.
Ho341e Vermiform appendix, human t.s.
Ho345e Colon, human t.s.
Ho351e Parotid gland (Gl. parotis), human t.s.
Ho352e Submaxillary gland (Gl. submandibularis), human t.s.
Ho354e Pancreas, human t.s.
Ho357e Liver, human t.s.
Ho362e Gall bladder, human t.s.
Excretory system
Ho411e Kidney, human t.s.
Ho418e Renal papilla, human t.s.
Ho419e Kidney from human foetus, t.s.
Ho421e Ureter, human t.s.
Ho422e Urinary bladder, human t.s.
Ho423e Urethra, prostatic part, human t.s.
Reproductive system
Ho429f Ovary, mature, human t.s.
Ho434f Ovary with Corpus luteum, human t.s.
Ho435e Oviduct (fallopian tube), t.s. in region of ampulla
Ho437f Uterus, human, proliferative stage t.s.
Ho4395f Uterus, human, pregnant (gravid), t.s.
Ho440e Placenta, human t.s.
Ho4404e Umbilical cord (navel string), human t.s.
Ho450e Vagina, human t.s.
Ho460f Testis from human child, t.s.
Ho461f Testis from human adult, mature stage t.s.
Ho463e Epididymis, human t.s.
Ho464e Sperm smear, human
Ho466e Spermatic cord (Ductus deferens), human t.s.
Ho467e Seminal vesicle (Gl. vesiculosa), human t.s.
Ho4678e Prostata of young man, t.s.
Ho469g Penis from human foetus, t.s.
Nervous system and organs of sense
Ho511e Cerebral cortex, human, t.s. routine stained
Ho514e Cerebellum, human, t.s. routine stained
Ho5155e Cerebellum from human foetus, t.s. routine stained
Ho516g Cerebrum and cerebellum composite slide, human, t.s. routine stained
Ho525g Medulla oblongata, human, t.s. routine stained
Ho5254f Medulla oblongata from human foetus, t.s.
Ho531e Spinal cord, human t.s. of cervical region
Ho532e Spinal cord, human t.s. of thoracic region
Ho533e Spinal cord, human t.s. of lumbar region
Ho5335f Spinal cord, human l.s. routine stained
Ho543f Spinal ganglion, human t.s.
Ho544e Peripheral nerve, human t.s.
Ho545e Peripheral nerve, human l.s.
Ho549e Optic nerve, human t.s.
Ho605f Retina from eye, t.s.
Ho612f Olfactory epithelium, human t.s.
Integument (skin)
Ho633e Skin from palm, human, vertical l.s.
Ho6334d Body skin, white, vertical l.s.
Ho635d Scalp, vertical l.s. shows l.s. of hair follicles, human
Ho636d Scalp, horizontal l.s. shows t.s. of hair follicles, human
Ho637e Scalp of human foetus, vertical l.s. shows l.s. of hairs
Ho638e Finger tip of human foetus, sagittal l.s. showing nail development
Ho645f Mammary gland, active, human t.s.


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