Komplet - Phanerogamae, supplementary set, 50 mikro. preparatov

Komplet - Phanerogamae, supplementary set, 50 mikro. preparatov


7 - 14 dni
V košarico

Komplet - Phanerogamae, Supplementary Set. - Complementary to Set No. 2800. - 50 mikro. preparatov 


2901d Stem apex and meristematic tissue, Asparagus l.s.
2902c Aleurone grains, t.s. of Ricinus endosperm
2903d Fat in sec. through endosperm of Corylus (hazel), stained for fat
2904c Lysigenous oil glands, t.s. through rind of Citrus fruit
2905d Inulin crystals, t.s. of Dahlia tuber
2906b Calcium oxalate crystals, in w.m. of Allium (onion) dry shell
2907b Wood cells, macerated and w.m.
2908c Lactiferous vessels, l.s. through stem of Euphorbia (spurge)
2909d Chloroplasts, leaf of Elodea w.m.
2910b Branched leaf hairs, isolated from Verbascum (mullein)
2911d Reserve cellulose, t.s. of Phoenix (date) seed
2912c Rheum, rhubarb, root with crystals t.s.
2913c Dendrobium, orchid, aerial root with velamen t.s.
2914c Pinus, pine, older woody root t.s.
2915c Smilax, root with thickened endodermis t.s.
2916d Lupinus, lupin, root nodules with nitrogen fixing bacteria t.s.
2917c Quercus, oak, older woody root t.s.
2918c Daucus carota, carrot, storage root t.s.
2919c Pinus, pine, older woody stem t.s.
2920c Zea mays, corn, stem with bundles l.s.
2921c Elodea, waterweed, aquatic stem with primitive bundle t.s.
2922c Juncus, bulrush, stem with stellate cells t.s.
2923c Pelargonium, geranium, young stem of an annual plant t.s.
2924d Tilia, basswood, older woody stem t.s. and l.s.
2925c Acorus calamus, sweet flag, rhizome t.s.
2926d Pinus, pine, three sections of wood: transverse, radial, tangential
2927d Fagus, beech, three sections of wood: transverse, radial, tangential
2928c Bryonia, stem with sieve plates t.s.
2929c Ribes, currant, stem with phellogen t.s.
2930c Helianthus, sunflower, typical dicot stem t.s.
2931c Salvia, sage, square stem with collenchyma t.s.
2932c Nymphaea, water lily, floating leaf of an aquatic plant t.s.
2933c Dionaea, Venus fly trap, leaf with digestive glands t.s.
2934d Fagus, beech, sun and shadow leaves on one slide t.s.
2935c Pinguicula, butterwort, leaf with glandular hairs t.s.
2936c Nerium, oleander, xeromorphe leaf with sunken stomata t.s.
2937d Drosera, sundew, leaf with glandular hairs w.m.
2938d Urtica, stinging nettle, leaf with stinging hairs
2939c Utricularia, bladderwort, w.m. of bladders
2940d Pinus, pine, male cone with pollen l.s.
2941d Pinus, pine, young female cone with ovules l.s.
2942f Pinus, pine, ovule with archegonia l.s.
2943e Pinus, pine, mature embryo with endosperm t.s.
2944b Pinus, pine, pollen grains with wings w.m.
2945f Lilium, lily, young anthers showing meiosis of pollen mother cells
2946d Tulipa, tulip, ovary t.s. showing arrangement of ovules
2947d Taraxacum, dandelion, composite flower l.s.
2948d Papaver, poppy, flower t.s. shows floral diagram
2949d Phaseolus, bean, pod showing pericarp and seed t.s.
2950d Lycopersicum, tomato, young fruit t.s.



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