Komplet za srednje Å¡ole, komplet Å¡t.: II. Metabolism, 15 mikro. preparatov

Komplet za srednje Å¡ole, komplet Å¡t.: II. Metabolism, 15 mikro. preparatov


7 - 14 dni
V košarico

Komplet za srednje šole, komplet št.:. II. Metabolism. - 15 mikro. preparatov 

4431e 4,22 € Hydra, fresh water polyp, t.s. with ectoderm and entoderm
4432d 3,62 € Carabus, ground beetle, gizzard
4433c 3,42 € Salivary gland of cat, t.s.
4434c 3,42 € Esophagus of cat, t.s.
4435d 3,62 € Fundic stomach of cat, t.s.
4436c 3,42 € Small intestine of cat, t.s. routine stained
4437f 5,03 € Small intestine of cat, t.s. blood vessels injected
4438d 3,62 € Appendix of human, t.s.
4439c 3,42 € Large intestine of cat, t.s.
4440c 3,42 € Liver of pig, t.s.
4441d 3,62 € Malpighian tubules of insect, t.s.
4442c 3,42 € Primordial kidney (mesonephros) of frog, t.s.
4443c 3,42 € Hind-kidney (metanephros) of rabbit, t.s.
4444d 3,62 € Kidney of mouse with pelvis, l.s.
4445f 5,03 € Kidney of mouse, t.s. injected with trypane blue (storage)


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