Komplet za srednje Å¡ole, komplet Å¡t.: V. Genetics, Reproduction and Embryology, 19 mikro. preparatov

Komplet za srednje Å¡ole, komplet Å¡t.: V. Genetics, Reproduction and Embryology, 19 mikro. preparatov


7 - 14 dni
V košarico

Komplet za srednje šole, komplet št.: V. Genetics, Reproduction and Embryology. - 19 mikro. preparatov

4481g DNA and RNA stained in different colours, l.s. onion root tips
4482e Lilium, young anthers, meiosis, early prophase stage, t.s.
4483e Lilium, young anthers, meiosis, diplotene stage, t.s.
4484d Lilium, ovary with embryosac t.s.
4485d Capsella bursa pastoris, l.s. of embryos
4486h Human chromosomes, spread in the metaphase stage, w.m.
4487g Lamp brush chromosomes
4488e Hydra with testis t.s., sexual reproduction
4489e Hydra with ovaries t.s., sexual reproduction
4490f Tapeworm (Taenia), mature proglottid w.m.
4491f Ascaris embryology, sec. of uteri showing maturation of ova
4492e Cockchafer (Melolontha), ovaries t.s.
4493d Frog (Rana), testis t.s. showing spermatogenesis
4494f Frog (Rana) embryology: four cell stage t.s.
4495f Frog (Rana) embryology: morula stage l.s.
4496f Frog (Rana) embryology: neurula stage t.s.
4497f Chicken (Gallus) embryology: 24 hour t.s.
4498f Chicken (Gallus) embryology: 72 hour t.s.
4499d Mouse, uterus containing embryo t.s.


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