Šolski komplet A, B, C in D iz splošne biologije, osnovni komplet, 175 mikro. preparatov

Šolski komplet A, B, C in D iz splošne biologije, osnovni komplet, 175 mikro. preparatov


7 - 14 dni
V košarico

Komplet 850, vsebuje mikroskopske preparete iz kompletov A, B, C in D (skupaj 175 mikro. preparatov)

Komplet vsebuje:

751c Ciliated epithelium, in t.s. of fallopian tube of pig
752d Tendon of cow, l.s. showing white fibrous tissue, stained for fibres and cells
753f Heart muscle, human, t.s. and l.s., branched fibres with central nuclei and intercalated discs
754c Lymph gland of pig, t.s. showing lymphoid tissue
755c Esophagus of cat, t.s. with stratified squamous epithelium, muscular layers
756d Stomach of cat, t.s. through fundic region showing gastric glands
757d Large intestine (colon), t.s. special stained for the mucous cells
758d Pancreas of pig, sec. showing islets of Langerhans
759d Thyroid gland of pig, sec. showing glandular epithelium and colloid
760d Adrenal gland of cat, t.s. through cortex and medulla
761d Sperm of bull (spermatozoa), smear
762e Motor nerve cells, smear from spinal cord of cow showing w.m. of motor nerve cells and their processes
763f Cerebrum, human, t.s. of cortex showing pyramidal cells and fibrous region
764d Human skin from palm, v.s. showing cornified epidermis, germinative zone, sweat glands
765f Distomum hepaticum (Fasciola), the beef liver fluke, w.m. and stained for general study of internal organs
766f Taenia spec., tapeworm, w.m. of mature proglottids
767e Culex pipiens, mosquito, head and piercing-sucking mouth parts of female, w.m.
768e Culex pipiens, mosquito, head and reduced mouth parts of male, w.m.
769f Cimex lectularius, bed bug, w.m. of adult specimen
770f Mitochondria, in thin sec. through liver or kidney, special staining technique
771g Golgi apparatus, t.s. through spinal ganglion, special staining technique
772d Chloroplasts, in leaf of Elodea or Mnium, special stained
773c Aleurone grains, in sec. of Ricinus endosperm
774f Storage, section of liver or kidney, vital stained with trypan-blue to demonstrate storage in epithelial cells
775g DNA in cell nuclei, demonstrated by Feulgen staining technique
776g DNA and RNA, fixed and stained with methyl green and pyronine to show DNA and RNA in different colours
777f Giant chromosomes from the salivary gland of Chironomus. Individual genes and puffs can be observed
778h Human chromosomes, spread in the stage of metaphase, for counting chromosomes
779f Meiotic and mitotic stages in sec. of crayfish testis. Nuclear spindles are present
780f Maturation divisions in ova of Ascaris megalocephala, different stages, iron-hematoxylin stained
781f Cleavage stages in ova of Ascaris megalocephala, iron-hematoxylin stained
782d Escherichia coli, bacteria from colon, probably pathogenic, smear Gram stained
783d Eberthella typhi, causing typhoid fever, smear from culture, Gram stained
784e Tuberculous lung, t.s. of diseased human lung showing miliary tubercles in tissue
785e Coal dust lung (Anthracosis pulmonum), t.s. of human smoker's lung
786e Liver cirrhosis of man caused by alcohol abuse, t.s. showing degeneration of liver cells
787e Arteriosclerosis, t.s. of diseased human coronary artery showing sclerotic changes in the arterial wall
788e Metastatic carcinoma (cancer) of human liver, t.s.
789e Sea-urchin development (Psammechinus miliaris), composite slide with two cell, four cell and eight cell stages
790e Sea-urchin development (Psammechinus miliaris), composite slide with morula, blastula and gastrula stages
791f Frog embryology (Rana spec.), sec. trough the blastula stage showing the blastocoel
792f Frog embryology (Rana spec.), sag. sec. through young larva in the tail bud stage, with primordia of organs
793e Leaf (needle) of fir (Abies), two t.s. of leaves, healthy and damaged by environmental influences (acid rain)
794e Leaf of beech (Fagus), two t.s. of leaves, healthy and damaged by environmental influences (acid rain)
795d Bacteria from waste-water, smear with many typical forms
796c Nostoc, blue green alga, filamentous colonies within gelatinous sheaths
797e Desmids (Desmidiaceae), strewn slide of various species
798c Sphagnum, peat moss, w.m. of leaf showing chlorophyll-bearing and hyaline cells.
799c Triticum, wheat, t.s. of stem of a gramineous plant with central pith and circular arrangement of bundles
800c Salvia, sage, t.s. of a square stem with angular collenchyma

701f Trypanosoma gambiense, causing sleeping disease, blood smear
702f Plasmodium berghei, malaria parasite, blood smear
703d Radiolaria, strewn slide of mixed species
704d Foraminifera, strewn slide of mixed species
705d Obelia hydroid, w.m. of colony with hydranths and gonothecae
706d Hydra, t.s. of body in different levels. Ectoderm, entoderm
707c Planaria, typical t.s. through the body
708e Apis mellifica, honey bee, head with compound eyes and brain t.s.
709d Apis mellifica, abdomen of worker t.s., with intestine and nephridia
710e Ctenocephalus canis, dog flea, adult w.m.
711d Dermanyssus gallinae, chicken mite, adult w.m.
712d Helix pomatia, snail, hermaphrodite gland (ovotestis), t.s. with developing ova and spermatozoa
713d Mya arenaria, clam, gills t.s. and l.s. showing ciliated epithelium
714d Branchiostoma lanceolatum (Amphioxus), typical t.s. of body with gills, liver, and gonads
715c Bird feathers, w.m. of two types: wing or vane and down feathers
716e Salamandra larva, sections from selected material showing mitotic stages in skin and other organs
717f Chicken embryo, 48 hour, t.s. with neural tube and chorda
718d Ovary of cat, t.s. with primary, secondary, and Graafian follicles
719d Testis of mouse, t.s. showing spermiogenesis in all stages
720d Cerebellum of cat, t.s. shows Purkinje cells
721c Spinal cord of cat, t.s. showing white and grey matter, nerve cells
722d Kidney of cat, t.s. through cortex and medulla
723d Retina of cat, t.s. for detail of rods and cones
724e Tongue of rabbit, t.s. of papilla foliata with abundant taste buds
725d Bacillus subtilis, hay bacillus, smear with bacilli and spores
726d Streptococcus lactis, milk souring organisms, smear showing chains
727e Volvox, with daughter colonies and sexual stages, w.m.
728d Fucus vesiculosus, brown alga, female conceptacle with oogonia t.s.
729d Fucus vesiculosus, male conceptacle with antheridia t.s.
730c Cladophora, green alga, branched filaments with multinucleate cells
731c Claviceps purpurea, ergot, sclerotium t.s.
732d Puccinia graminis, wheat rust, uredinia on wheat leaf t.s.
733d Puccinia graminis, aecidia and pycnidia on barberry leaf t.s.
734b Saccharomyces, yeast, budding cells w.m.
735d Physcia, foliose lichen, thallus with symbiotic algae t.s.
736e Fern prothallium, w.m. showing sex organs
737d Equisetum, horse tail, strobilus with spores l.s.
738d Lupinus, lupin, root nodules with symbiotic bacteria t.s.
739c Euphorbia, spurge, stem with lactiferous ducts l.s.
740d Pinus, pine, three sections of wood: transverse, radial, tangential
741d Tilia, lime, three sections of wood: transverse, radial, tangential
742d Elodea, waterweed, aquatic stem with primitive bundle t.s.
743d Cucurbita, pumpkin, stem t.s. showing bicollateral bundles and sieve plates
744d Fagus, beech, sun and shade leaves, two t.s. for comparison
745c Nerium, oleander, xerophytic leaf with sunken stomata, t.s.
746d Pinus, pine, male cone with pollen l.s.
747d Pinus, female cone with ovules l.s.
748b Pinus, mature pollen grains with wings w.m.
749f Lilium, lily, t.s. of very young anthers showing meiotic stages of the pollen mother cells
750d Taraxacum, dandelion, composite flower l.s.

501e Amoeba proteus, w.m. showing nucleus and pseudopodia
502e Hydra, w.m. extended specimen to show foot, body, mouth, and tentacles
503c Lumbricus, earthworm, typical t.s. back of clitellum showing muscular wall, intestine, typhlosole, nephridia etc.
504c Daphnia and Cyclops, small crustaceans from fresh water
505d Musca domestica, house fly, head and mouth parts (proboscis) w.m.
506b Musca domestica, leg with clinging pads (pulvilli)
507c Apis mellifica, honey bee, anterior and posterior wing
508c Squamous epithelium, isolated cells from human mouth
509d Striated muscle, l.s. showing nuclei and striations
510d Compact bone, t.s. special stained for cells, lamellae, and canaliculi
511d Human scalp, vertical section showing l.s. of hair follicles, sebaceous glands, epidermis
512c Human blood smear, stained for red and white corpuscles
513d Bacteria from mouth, smear Gram stained showing bacilli, cocci, spirilli, spirochaetes
514c Diatoms, strewn slide of mixed species
515c Spirogyra, vegetative filaments with spiral chloroplasts
516c Mucor or Rhizopus, mold, w.m. of mycelium and sporangia
517c Moss stem with leaves w.m.
518c Ranunculus, buttercup, typical dicot root t.s., central stele
519c Zea mays, corn, monocot stem with scattered bundles t.s.
520c Helianthus, sunflower, typical herbaceous dicot stem t.s.
521c Syringa, lilac, leaf t.s. showing epidermis, palisade parenchyma, spongy parenchyma, vascular bundles
522d Lilium, lily, anthers with pollen grains and pollen sacs t.s.
523d Lilium, ovary t.s. showing arrangement of ovules
524c Allium cepa, onion, w.m. of epidermis shows simple plant cells with cell walls, nuclei, and cytoplasm
525d Allium cepa, l.s. of root tips showing cell divisions (mitosis) in all stages, carefully stained

601d Paramaecium, nuclei stained
602c Euglena, a common flagellate with eyespot
603c Sycon, a marine sponge, t.s. of body
604e Dicrocoelium lanceolatum, sheep liver fluke, w.m.
605c Taenia saginata, tapeworm, proglottids of various ages t.s.
606d Trichinella spiralis, l.s. of skeletal muscle showing encysted larvae
607d Ascaris, roundworm, t.s. of female in region of gonads
608b Araneus, spider, leg with comb w.m.
609d Araneus, spider, spinneret w.m.
610d Apis mellifica, honey bee, mouth parts of worker w.m.
611b Apis mellifica, hind leg of worker with pollen basket w.m.
612e Periplaneta, cockroach, chewing mouth parts w.m.
613b Trachea from insect w.m.
614b Spiracle from insect w.m.
615d Apis mellifica, sting and poison sac w.m.
616b Pieris, butterfly, portion of wing with scales w.m.
617d Asterias rubens, starfish, arm (ray) t.s. showing tube feet, digestive gland, ampullae
618e Fibrous connective tissue of mammal
619c Hyaline cartilage of mammal, t.s.
620e Adipose tissue, stained for fat
621d Smooth (involuntary) muscle l.s. and t.s.
622e Medullated nerve fibres, teased preparation of osmic acid fixed material showing Ranvier's nodes
623c Frog blood smear, showing nucleated red corpuscles
624d Artery and vein of mammal, t.s.
625d Liver of pig, t.s. showing well developed connective tissue
626c Small intestine of cat, t.s. showing mucous membrane
627c Lung of cat, t.s. showing alveoli, bronchial tubes
628c Oscillatoria, a common blue green filamentous alga
629e Spirogyra in scalariform conjugation, formation of zygotes
630c Psalliota, mushroom, t.s. of pileus with basidia and spores
631c Morchella, morel, t.s. of fruiting body with asci and spores
632d Marchantia, liverwort, antheridial branch with antheridia l.s.
633d Marchantia, archegonial branch with archegonia l.s.
634d Pteridium, braken fern, rhizome with vascular bundles t.s.
635d Aspidium, t.s. of leaf with sori showing sporangia and spores
636e Elodea, waterweed, stem apex l.s. showing meristematic tissue and leaf origin
637d Dahlia, t.s. of tuber with inuline crystals
638b Allium cepa, onion, w.m. of dry scale showing calcium oxalate crystals
639d Pyrus, pear, t.s. of fruit showing stone cells
640c Zea mays, corn, typical monocot root t.s.
641c Tilia, lime, woody dicot root t.s.
642c Solanum tuberosum, potato, t.s. of tuber with starch and cork cells
643c Aristolochia, birthwort, one year stem t.s.
644c Aristolochia, older stem t.s. shows secondary growth
645d Cucurbita, pumpkin, l.s. of stem with sieve tubes, annular and reticulate vessels, sclerenchyme fibres
646d Root tip and root hairs
647c Tulipa, tulip, epidermis of leaf with stomata and guard cells w.m., surface view
648c Iris, typical monocot isobilateral leaf, t.s.
649c Sambucus, elderberry, stem showing lenticels and cork cambium, t.s.
650e Triticum, wheat, grain (seed) sagittal l.s. with embryo and endosperm

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